Sprayer rotary / painting / electrostatic - max. 500 ml/min, max. 100 kV | Aerobell

Sprayer rotary / painting / electrostatic - max. 500 ml/min, max. 100 kV | Aerobell
FINISHING BRANDS EUROPE Aerobell is a high speed rotation atomizer which has outstanding transfer performance with superior atomisation.The specifications includes turbine speed of 10,000RPM-55,000RPM,weight of 10.3lbs,length of 16.4in,diameter of 5.6in,fluid pressure of 100psi/max, fluid flow rate of 25-500 cc/min and spray pattern size that is adjustable to 30.The advantages listed are improved control of spray pattern and penetration,suitable for all current paints,including water-based and even 100% solid materials, all external components are made from special solvent-resistant materials which guarantee mechanical strength,easy cleaning and operation without danger of ignition, and improved operational safety and longer operating life even when applying corrosive or erosive paints

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